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Seton Hall Law

Prospective Students

Considering Seton Hall Law? Then this Guide is for you!

Our Collection

Course Reserves

Course Reserves are materials placed temporarily on reserve by professors for their courses and can include items such as textbooks and supplements. Course Reserves are available electronically, in print, or sometimes in both formats. Seton Hall Law students can access e-books anywhere remotely. Print Course Reserves are located in the cabinets next to the Rodino Center Service Desk.

Additionally, students are able to access popular study aids such as: Glannon Guides, Examples and Explanations, and Questions and Answers. These study aids are available electronically as a part of our Aspen and West Academic study aid packages, but we also have many of them in print.

All print Course Reserves can be checked out for a three-hour loan period during Service Desk operating hours. To see what we provide access to, simply search the catalog for available items.

For more information on Course Reserves, visit our LibGuide.

For more information on accessing our electronic study aids, visit our LibGuide.


The Rodino Center has a robust electronic resources collection that allows Seton Hall Law students to access materials at any time, anywhere, even if the Service Desk is closed. 

To see what materials we have in our collection, including e-books, simply search our catalog

To see what databases we provide to Seton Hall Students, see our A-Z Database List.

Items for Check Out That Aren't Books

Seton Hall Law students can check out a variety of items that aren't books! Such items include: book stands, umbrellas, calculators, iPhone and Android chargers, laptop chargers, flash drives, standing desks, mice, keyboards, and noise machines. 

For more information on what we have available that aren't books, visit the Service Desk during operating hours.

Study Spaces

Seton Hall Law students are able to reserve one of our study rooms, or they can use our spacious carrels, tables, and comfortable seating to prepare for classes and exams.

Study tables and conference tables are available on the 4th floor of the law library. Study tables, carrels, and study rooms are available on the 3rd and 5th Floors. Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, there are 22 study rooms that are available for partial day reservations. Students can place a reservation by using the online room reservation system or the kiosk across from the Service Desk, and reservations can be made up to one week in advance.

For more information on our study spaces, visit our LibGuide.


Seton Hall Law's friendly and helpful IT department is located on the 4th floor of the Rodino Center. IT assistance can be given both in person and virtually during LawHelpDesk operating hours. Additionally, they have helpful resources on the technology you may need as a Seton Hall Law student, which can be readily found on our website.