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Seton Hall Law

European Union Business Law: Preparing the AWR Paper: Citation Format

Citation Format


Bluebook Rule 21.5.2: CASE LAW

Citations to ECJ Cases or General Court cases  should include:

  1. The case number;
  2. The names of the parties; and
  3. A citation to the official reporter, including the year of decision.

A parallel citation to a commercial reporter, such as the Common Market Law Reports, also may be included.

Note that for cases decided by the ECJ since 1989, the case number will include the prefix "C".  Older cases will not have a prefix.  Cases decided by the General Court, which was created in 1989, will include the prefix "T".


T-198/98, Micro Leader Bus. v. Comm'n, 1999 E.C.R. II-3989.

C-213/89, The Queen v. Sec'y of State for Transp. ex parte Factortame Ltd., 1990 E.C.R. I-2433.

58/69, Elz v. Comm'n, 16 E.C.R. 507 (1970).

Bluebook Rule 21.9: Legislation

Citations to EU legislative acts (regulations and directives) and other legal acts (decisions) of the EU Council or the European Commission should be made to the edition of the Official Journal of the European Union (or its predecessor publication) in which they were published.  All such citations will be to the "L" series of the Official Journal.

Citations should include the name of the issuing institution, the type of act, the number and any subdivision cited.

Citation Format:

<institution> <type of act> <year> O.J. (L. <act number>) <page number>


Council Directive 90/476, art. 5, 1990 O.J. (L 266) 1, 2.