The next major step in a cite check is to locate the sources cited in your footnotes. The Bluebook requires citation to print sources "unless there is a digital copy of the source available that is authenticated, official, or an exact copy of the printed source" (this often means a PDF, though an authenticated or official source can be a website if the governing authority has designated it as such) (see Rule 18). If you know where to look for the print (or PDF) version of the most common types of sources, you can locate these quickly before moving on to sources that are not as common.
Working from home: Be sure to watch the videos on the How Do I...? tab information on accessing licensed database resources.
Knowing where to look for the most common types of sources: Each of the tabs in the box below provide tips on locating a common type of source found in cite checks.
Please see "Using the Library Catalog" and subsequent boxes at the bottom of this column if you are not already familiar with searching a library's online catalog.
Whether you are looking for a physical volume in the library or looking to see whether the library has access to an electronic version of a source through a subscription database, begin with the Rodino Catalog. Our catalog defaults to keyword searching. But from the Advanced Search page you can search a particular field such as Title, Author, ISBN, ISSN, and Journal Source. the catalog record, you can find (1) if the Rodino Library has the item, (2) the item’s Call Number so that you can locate it on the library shelf, and (3) if applicable, an electronic link to a database that has the item. Be sure to check the available databases to ensure that they provide a PDF instead of a plain-text electronic version. You will need the PDF version in order to accurately verify page numbers.
Using the Catalog to Locate Materials Outside the Rodino Library
The catalog database collects data on the holdings of libraries throughout the United States and the world. This can help you with your citecheck in two ways. First, you can search for a book, journal name, or other item to determine whether it has been properly cited, or whether there are problems with spelling, dates, etc. Second, if Seton Hall Law does not own the item, the cataloging system can help you determine whether any other libraries own a copy so that you can make a request for inter-library loan (ILL).
Cases. You may find Bluebook-friendly “authenticated, official, or an exact copy of the printed source” cases in some internet databases.
Statutes: Codes. "Official and unofficial codes arrange statutes currently in force by subject matter." (Bluebook Rule 12.1).
Statutes: Session Laws. "Official and privately published session laws report statutes in chronological order of enactment." (Bluebook Rule 12.1). Like codes, session laws are also statutes, but they refer to a law or act in its entirety as it was passed, rather than a section of that law or act as it was later codified. A law typically starts as a bill, gets passed by a legislature, approved by a president or governor, published and bound first in a collection of “session laws” which are organized chronologically by order of passage, then published and bound later in “codes” or the familiar arrangement of subject matter topics (i.e. the 50 titles of the United States Code). Bluebook Rule 12.2.2 explains the exceptions for when a Session Law would be cited instead of the current Code.
Websites. Locating and pulling a website as a source seems simple. However, one thing to keep in mind is the risk that links can break or the content therein can change. Once you have verified a link in your cite check assignment, determine whether your journal is using to archive URLs and create permanent Perma links to insert in the article. Learn more about Perma on their website:
UN Documents. UN documents can be located using the UN document symbol in the citation.
Human Rights Council Res. 26/9, Rep. of Human Rights Council, 26th Sess., June 10-27, 2014, A/HRC/RES/26/9 (June 14, 2014);
In the citation above, the UN document symbol is A/HRC/RES/26/9. “Each UN document has a unique symbol at the top right of the document or on the cover page. Symbols include both letters and numbers. Some elements of the symbol have meaning, while other elements do not. The first component indicates the organ to which the document is submitted or the organ that is issuing the document. (A/ = General Assembly)." For more details, see
Bluebook Rule 21.4.5 (page 204) requires determining whether the United States is a party to the treaty, and whether the treaty is bilateral or multilateral.
The University of Minnesota Law School has put together a helpful guide to frequently cited treaties:
Newspapers. The 20th Edition of the Bluebook contains a different rule than the 19th Edition regarding newspapers. The 20th Edition of the Bluebook states "Online newspapers may be used in place of print newspapers" (Rule 16.6(f)).
If you wish to try and locate a print version (or an equivalent PDF of the print):