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Seton Hall Law

Rodino Center Policies and Rules

Seton Hall Law Rodino Center Polices

Finding Aid

For a more detailed description of the Rodino Archives, please refer to our Finding Aid.

Rodino Access Policy

Hon. Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Archives

Access Policy


All visitors must observe the following rules, which are intended to protect the archives and insure its preservation for future researchers. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the researcher being denied further access to the archives. In addition, the law school reserves the right to seek recovery for any damage to items in the archives.

The researcher must present themselves at building security with the appropriate photo ID and information.

Personal belongings, including coats, rain gear, briefcases, typewriter and computer cases, scanners, personal copiers, camera bags, parcels, envelopes, and closed folders, are not permitted in the archive reading room. Typewriters, laptops, computers, voice recorders, cameras, and other special equipment may be used only with written permission.

Access to particular items may be denied when the physical condition of material warrants. Consult with the library concerning these restrictions. In addition, the researcher must adhere to the following rules regarding use of the material:

a.) Researchers may use only one folder from one box at a time, and must maintain the order of the items found in the folder.

b.) Researchers must place these materials neatly back in the originating box in the order in which the folders were found.

c.) Materials must not be marked, defaced, leaned on, altered, folded anew, or traced on. Materials are not to be placed in the researcher’s lap or propped against the edge of the table. Book stands are available for use.

d.) Consumption of food and/or beverages and smoking are prohibited in the reading room.

e.) Materials may be used only in the reading room under supervision of a librarian.

f.) White gloves, which are available in the reading room must be worn at all times by researchers when handling photographic material.

g.) Use of ink by researchers is prohibited. Pencils are provided for writing notes in the research room.

Access to materials in the archives is subject to certain privacy and other restrictions imposed by federal law. For further information as to what material is available, see our Finding Aid..

Currently, we are unable to scan or photocopy items from the collection. You can use a scanning app or photograph with your phone, as long as you are in accordance with the above policies regarding use. If you intend to publish images of any items you have used, you must go through a separate copyright application.