This LibGuide was last substantively updated:
On: March 27th, 2022
At: 9:57am
By: Amber Cain
1. Click the “View eBook” option from the catalog.
2. Log in using your SHU credentials.
1. When on the initial EBSCO page for the item selected, click the “PDF Full Text” or “EPUB Full Text”
icon. [Note: Both options will not appear, choose the one available. DO NOT click the “Full Download” icon
There are a limited number of copies for each eBook, please do not check them out for offline use.
2. Use the Contents to the left of the screen or the arrow at the bottom of the screen to navigate through the item.
Each publisher sets the page limits to Save, Print, E-mail, or Download documents. Restrictions reset every 24 hours per user. Before proceeding with any option, first click on the section that contains the pages you would like to proceed with (not the download icon next to the section), then choose your option.
How to save pages:
1. Click the “Save Pages” icon.
2. Make your selection according to what is needed. [Note: The number of pages available will be noted.]
3. Once you click “Save PDF” the pages will automatically download in PDF format.
How to print pages:
1. Click the “Print Pages” icon then make your selection according to what needs to be printed. [Note: The number of pages available will be noted.]
2. You can either proceed with printing or save to PDF instead.
How to email pages:
1. Click the “E-mail Pages” icon.
2. Make your selection according to what is needed. [Note: The number of pages available will be noted.]
3. Complete the form then click “E-mail PDF” to proceed with email. The document will be sent in PDF format.
There are some items that have limited user restrictions. When on the initial EBSCO page for the item selected, look for “Concurrent User Level” to determine how many users can access at a time.
If a “Limited User Access” item is already being viewed, this is the message received. EBSCO does not provide an option to be alerted once the item is available; please partner with for assistance.