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Seton Hall Law

Faculty Services

Library services to support Seton Hall Law Faculty research & curriculum

Key Information


URL: (This URL still works, but name has changed to Faculty Success)

To login, use your PirateNet shortname and password.


Individual Faculty Content Questions: Tim Glynn

Banner Data Updates: Anna Calka

Technical Questions and Account Issues: Anna Calka

Issues Importing Publications: Amber Cain


Faculty Success Overview 

Faculty Success BibTex Imports documentation explains how to import your publications from a number of sources including HeinOnline, Google Scholar, and Zotero.

Exporting Citation Data from HeinOnline

Creating a My Hein Account

The My Hein Users Guide explains how to create a HeinOnline Account and extract BibTex Data.  The Information included here is to suppliment this documentation.

Creating a HeinOnline Account

1. Go to HeinOnline.

2. Click on the My Hein menu and Select Create an Account.

My Hein Create An Account


3. Add Your Information and click the Register button.  Note: You can use any username or email.

my hein registration form

Export your publications citation information from HeinOnline via BibTeX files

Exporting Citation Data from Google Scholar

Creating a Google Scholar Account

Google Scholar Citations Help explains how to create a Google Scholar account and use it to manage your citations.

1. Go to and select My Profile.

My Profile at Google Scholar

2. Sign in to Google.

3. Add your picture by clicking on the Camera icon.  Click on the Pencil icon to update your personal information.

Google Scholar Profile page

4. Click on the Plus icon next to title to search for and add your publications.

Add articles to Google Scholar

Export your publications citation information from Google Scholar via BibTeX files

Importing Citation Data into Faculty Success